Locus of Control and Job Satisfaction of Class II and Class III Service Women From Economically Upper Middle and Lower Class | 拾書所

Locus of Control and Job Satisfaction of Class II and Class III Service Women From Economically Upper Middle and Lower Class

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INTRODUCTION When we look at the life style of a woman we have to see the change taken place from the ancient to modern area in their life. If started from Vedas. 1. Life of women In Vedas Time: - In the times of Vedas woman were touted with respect. Aryam have made a tradition. According to that they have brought woman in that. They had promised woman and goddess. Right than god and godess woman have special place without woman noting can become perfect. 'Ardhnarinateshvar' is and idea from that. Right from Vedas woman has been with the crenting this world she has been one of sight by the socity for her non-cooperation. The had an important role in the family and society. "To women is assigned the care of the home, Family being beer creation. Her association with men in every sphere is stressed. Her unassociated individuality is ignored, and she is advised to turn her back on it even to the is advised to turn her back on it even to the total suppression of what may be her individual spiritual need, within the name her influence has been much greater than alien observers imagine. When circumstances have drawn her outside the home to high duties, shi has shown capacity, courage and strength. 1.1. Opportunity of Education: - In the time of Vedas woman had an opportunity to enhance her mental and spritunity life she used to learn good thing. Vaidicsnkta and moral artirities were learnt by heat by them means they were given proper education to woman. One of the great personality shri- V. M. Aapte stated the oral education for them -Evidently the entire instrnction was orally given in vedakala woman did not marry Apate from rotting they would write. Dnya vaikalya friendship is famous for self learing knowledge.Woman was mentally very clever. In the come of janak when there was discntrion a spiritralism woman would take part in it. Margi and Meithei are the examples of mentally powerful and good orators. They were good at detracting. Though the woman thinking higher education were less, they were great in numbers of taking home education. They wait get married at,

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