Work from Home VS Work from Office | 拾書所

Work from Home VS Work from Office

$ 473 元 原價 525

During the events of Covid-19 devastation reigned supreme in every part of the world. Humanity was being tested like never before as getting used to not leaving the house except when in case of emergency. Everything essentially changed and with it of course the future of work as we knew it. For as long as currency has existed we have all gone to work Monday to Friday trying to make ends meet and to further our lives along with our family's lives. Though during the pandemic work began again and a lot of companies in trying to comply with safety measures had three options, either ride storm no matter how long it lasts, shut up shop or find a way to run their business while following safety protocols. This led to them telling employees to work from home. Now working from home was not a new concept as many companies and private businesses do that but not on a scale where many companies were adopting this methodology. No one knew how long Covid would last and working from home became the norm until finally after multiple lockdowns the world started to go to the way it was but many workers who had gotten used to working from home got used to it while others welcomed going back to work. This is what the book is about as through opinions, facts, and stats we have a look at which works the best Work from Home vs Work from Office.

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