How to Be Charismatic; The Secret to Being Charming, Sociable, Confident and Likeable by Everyone | 拾書所

How to Be Charismatic; The Secret to Being Charming, Sociable, Confident and Likeable by Everyone

$ 441 元 原價 490

Inside this book is the essential formula to getting what you want through cultivating charisma. This is a book and workbook combination that is well constructed for whatever level you're at. It's an inspiring experience where you can practice charm in real-time and not just in theory. You'll feel an immediate sense of accomplishment and growth. Best of all, the book is broken down into exercises that are fun and easy to follow.

This book focuses on the practical-real-world approach. You're given the truth about people, perceptions, and how to navigate all of it in any circumstance successfully.

You'll learn how to use charisma in your simple everyday life with family and friends as well as in dating and business. For those who want to aim higher, you'll learn how to groom yourself into charismatic leadership and positions of power if you wish to. This book ensures that you unleash the limitless power that is within you, at the right time, and in the right place for your ultimate success.

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