Psychological development of female sportspeople in desert And aqatic environmental media | 拾書所

Psychological development of female sportspeople in desert And aqatic environmental media

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Exercise has a big effect on health, and the book "From Ancient Roots to Modern Science: Unveiling the Secrets of Exercise Physiology" takes the reader on an interesting trip through time to learn more about this topic. Explore the past to find out how exercise physiology may be related to ancient Greece, Asia Minor, and even earlier times.

As you'll learn in this interesting book, people in the past liked to work out, play games, and compete in sports. In the lives of historical figures like King David and Solomon, as well as in the nations of Assyria, Babylon, Middle Persia, and Alexander the Great, you can find interesting examples of exercise and sports.

Around 5,000 years ago, people started writing down what they did for sports, exercise, cleanliness, and training. As the story goes on, these records come to life with lively accounts from India, Egypt, Syria, Macedonia, Arabia, Mesopotamia, China, and Persia. Herodotus, Hippocrates, and Galen, three Greek doctors, are seen as the real founders of exercise physiology.

You can learn how to live a healthy life from these well-known people. Herodotus, who was both a doctor and an athlete, believes that health care and sports can work well together. The Hippocratic Oath is named after Hippocrates, who also gave advice that has stood the test of time about how exercise affects health. The famous doctor Galen goes beyond theory when he heals the sports injuries of gladiators with skill and comes up with new ways to help them get better.

The book "From Ancient Roots to Modern Science" goes into great detail about Galen's life and works, showing how much he changed the field of exercise physiology. Find out about his groundbreaking idea about how blood moves through the body, which says that air, not blood, does this. Read Galen's tips about the benefits of exercise to find out when, what, and how much you should be doing.

Galen's deep works, which include more than 500 shorter pieces and about 80 longer treatises, have been around for hundreds of years. Galen's whole-person approach to health is shown in this interesting book. He talks about how important it is to take deep breathes, eat well, drink in moderation, get enough sleep, go to the toilet regularly, and keep your mind stable.

"From Ancient Roots to Modern Science: Unlocking the Secrets of Exercise Physiology" is a great mix of history, science, and inspiration. It tells a fascinating story about how the knowledge of ancient cultures and the early discoveries of Greek doctors laid the groundwork for our current understanding of exercise physiology. Join us on this trip that will open your eyes as we learn how to live better, healthy lives.

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