For a comparative study of two works | 拾書所

For a comparative study of two works

$ 2,218 元 原價 2,464
Bruegel the Elder ( 1525 - 1569) and Antonin Artaud (1896-1948), two artists whose lives have been shaken by war - the war against Spain for Bruegel and the Second World War for Artaud. Two artists whose works are linked to madness and who question our relationship with it. Both were outside the aesthetic mainstream of their time, using the biblical message to morally condemn their contemporaries. Across the centuries that separate them, across the contextual differences, a dialogue is established between Bruegel and Artaud. Sometimes this dialogue appears in Artaud's texts, which claim this filiation and quote the painter's works, sometimes it appears in the comparison we can make between a 1946 drawing by Artaud, Le Th矇璽tre de la Cruaut矇, and a fragment of Bruegel's Triomphe de la mort. Our work sets out to compare these two works.

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