The Carnation Murder (Adele Gossling Mysteries | 拾書所

The Carnation Murder (Adele Gossling Mysteries

$ 599 元 原價 665

Smart, inquisitive, and a firm believer in the new progressive reforms, Adele Gossling seeks a new life after the devastating death of her father. She flees San Francisco for the small town of Arrojo, planning a life of peace and small pleasures. Peace is exactly what she doesn't get when she discovers her neighbor's dead body in her gazebo. The police think they have a firm suspect: the young man who was secretly engaged to the victim. But Adele and her clairvoyant new friend Nin Branch suspect he's innocent. In spite of the raised eyebrows from Arrojo's Victorian-minded citizens, they set out to prove the young man didn't do it. But if he didn't, who did?

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