Swami Vivekananda | 拾書所

Swami Vivekananda

$ 1,058 元 原價 1,175

Enter into the vast treasury of Swami Vivekananda's wisdom with "Swami Vivekananda: The Complete Works." This comprehensive compilation, encompassing his profound writings, speeches, and lectures, invites you to explore the depths of his teachings and discover the timeless relevance of his insights. Spanning topics such as spirituality, philosophy, religion, and social reform, Vivekananda's works offer a profound roadmap to personal transformation and societal upliftment. Delve into the pages of this comprehensive collection to unlock the transformative power of Vivekananda's words, which continue to inspire countless individuals around the world. Immerse yourself in his thoughts, absorb his vision, and embrace the potential for inner growth and self-realization. Let this collection be your gateway to the profound wisdom and indomitable spirit of Swami Vivekananda as you embark on a transformative journey of enlightenment and self-discovery.

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