Stay Grounded | 拾書所

Stay Grounded

$ 761 元 原價 846

Hello, fellow gardeners! Are you ready to get your hands dirty and cultivate the soil of your dreams? Then you need "Stay Grounded: Soil Building for Sustainable Gardens," the comprehensive guidebook that will help you grow a thriving, healthy garden that nourishes both your body and soul.

As a lifelong gardener and sustainability advocate, I've spent years perfecting my approach to soil building. In this book, I share my tried-and-true techniques for assessing soil health, choosing natural amendments, and nurturing a healthy ecosystem that supports a wide variety of plants and animals.

From composting to cover cropping, this book covers all the essential topics that will help you create a rich, fertile soil that produces abundant, delicious crops. You'll also find practical advice on companion planting, seed starting, and other key skills that will help you maximize your garden's potential.

But "Stay Grounded" is more than just a guidebook - it's a call to action. With our planet facing unprecedented environmental challenges, we need sustainable gardening practices now more than ever. By cultivating healthy soil and reducing our reliance on harmful chemicals and practices, we can create a better ecosystem and better world.

So join me on this journey towards sustainable, nourishing gardening. Together, we can make a difference - one garden at a time.

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