Knopf Mapguide | 拾書所

Knopf Mapguide

$ 313 元 原價 348
This opening fold-out contains a general map of Istanbul to help you visualize the 6 large districts discussed in this guide, and 4 pages of valuable information, handy tips and useful addresses. Discover Istanbul through 6 districts and 6 mapsSaray Burnu/ SultanahmetKumkapi/ Beyazit/ Emin霵? SeymaniyeFatih/ Fener/ Balat/ Ey/ Hask騽Karak騽/ Galta/ Beyo簰u/ TaksimNi榮nta槐/ Be槐kta? Dolmabahce/ Ortak騽鈤kar/ Kizil AdalarFor each district there is a double-page of addresses (restaurants ?listed in ascending order of price ?caf廥, bars, tearooms, music venues and stores) followed by a fold-out map for the relevant area with the essential places to see (indicated on the map by a star *). These places are by no means all that Istanbul has to offer but to us they are unmissable. The grid-referencing system (A B2) makes it easy for you to pinpoint addresses quickly on the map.Transportation and hotels in IstanbulThe last fold-out consists of a transportation map and 4 pages of practical information that include a selection of hotels. A thematic index lists all the sites and addresses featured in this guide.

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