When the Rivers Run Dry | 拾書所

When the Rivers Run Dry

$ 567 元 原價 630
In this groundbreaking book, veteran science correspondent Fred Pearce travels to more than thirty countries to examine the current state of crucial water sources. Deftly weaving together the complicated scientific, economic, and historic dimensions of the world water crisis, he provides our most complete portrait yet of this growing danger and its ramifications for us all.  strongnd scaryase that a worldwide water shortage is the most fearful looming environmental crisis. With a drumbeat of facts both horrific (thousands of wells in India and Bangladesh are poisoned by fluoride and arsenic) and fascinating (it takes 20 tons of water to make one pound of coffee), the former New Scientist news editor documents a ind of cataclysm?already affecting many of the world great rivers.?ublishers Weekly, starred reviewil we can replace. Water we canhich is why this book is both so ominous and so important.?ill McKibben, author of The End of Naturen enriching and farsighted work.?ai Singh, San Francisco Chronicleearce cogently presents the alarming ways in which this ecological emergency is affecting population centers, human health, food production, wildlife habitats, and species viability. Having crisscrossed the globe to research the economic, scientific, cultural, and political causes and ramifications of this under publicized tragedy, Pearce powerful imagery, penetrating analyses, and passionate advocacy make this required reading for environmental proponents and civic leaders everywhere.? ooklistf you want to quickly get up to date on climate change and its consequences, I recommend With Speed and Violence: Why Scientists Fear Tipping Points in Climate Change. If you can read only one book on climate change, this is it.?ester Brown, president, Earth Policy Institute? . . perhaps it is time for you to spend some time with Fred Pearce and his wonderful When the Rivers Run Dry.?aily Kos, July ReviewFred Pearce has been writing about water issues for over twenty years. A former news editor at New Scientist and currently its environment and development consultant, he has also written for Audubon, Popular Science, Time, the Boston Globe, and Natural History. His books include With Speed and Violence, Turning Up the Heat, and Deep Jungle.

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