In this last stage of their travels through the Orient, Flaubert and his friend Maxime Du Camp undertake the third leg of their trip, from December 1850 to June 1851, departing from Athens and going from Greece to Italy. The city of Venice puts an end to this almost two-year-long great adventure, during which, having started in Paris, they traveled through Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Asia Minor. En esta etapa final de su viaje por Oriente, Flaubert y su amigo Maxime Du Camp emprenden en Atenas la tercera y tima etapa de su recorrido que, de diciembre de 1850 a junio de 1851, les llevar?desde Grecia hasta Italia. La ciudad de Venecia pondr?fin a esta gran aventura de casi dos a隳s de duraci鏮, en la que partiendo de Par疄 recorrieron Egipto, L燢ano, Palestina, Siria y Asia Menor.