Research into Acacia nilotica’s Allelopathic Possibility | 拾書所

Research into Acacia nilotica’s Allelopathic Possibility

$ 1,008 元 原價 1,120

Allelopathy is a biological phenomena in which one organism

creates one or more biochemicals that inu-ence the germina,

tionv growthv s-rdidalv anf reprof-ction o. other organismsT (hese

biochemicals are prof-cef by the organism that is ca-sing the al,

lelopathyT Allelochemicals are a type o. biochemical that can hade

either help.-l "re.erref to as )positide allelopathy)q or festr-ctide

"re.erref to as )negatide allelopathy)q eOects on the organisms that

are being targetef anf the comm-nity as a wholeT Allelopathy is a

term that is .re[-ently restrictef to re.erring to chemically mefi,

atef competition that occ-rs between plantsT 1n the other hanfv

allelopathy can also be fe]nef more generally as chemically mefiatef

ridalry that occ-rs between any type o. organismT Allelochemicals

are a s-bset o. seconfary metabolitesIRE that are not firectly nec,

essary .or the metabolic processes o. the allelopathic organism "iTeT

growthv fedelopmentv anf reprof-ctionqTSt

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