Unforgotten August | 拾書所

Unforgotten August

$ 484 元 原價 538
Minds have sworn never to divorce the memories of the year 2014, for the matrimony that unified them filled their cups with sorrows and made them tossed against a glass of calamity. As the orchestra of mourning played, those who danced could no longer dance so they stood in awe; those who sang could no longer sing, so they hummed, and those who feasted on bowls of grief were filled so much that they threw out instead. Unforgotten August is a narrative non-fiction of a Liberian girl who became an orphan after she lost seven members of her family to the deadly Ebola plague that rubbed shoulders with Liberia in 2014 - her mother, her father, one of her brothers along with his wife and daughter who were both pregnant, her aunt, and her cousin. It further narrates how over 5,000 heads bowed to the deadliest and longest Ebola epidemic in history in the year 2014.

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