Board plus CUET 2023 CL Master Series - CBSE Study Guide - Class 12 - History | 拾書所

Board plus CUET 2023 CL Master Series - CBSE Study Guide - Class 12 - History

$ 1,058 元 原價 1,175
The CL Master Series is a set of guides available for all subjects of all streams of CBSE Class XII helpful in the preparation of CBSE board exams with a special focus on the CUET i.e, Common University Entrance Test, which is an all-India test conducted for admission into various Undergraduate, Integrated, Postgraduate, Diploma, Certification courses and Research Programmes in 45 Central Universites of India. This guide includes chapters as per the latest CBSE & CUET syllabus. All types of questions including long answers, short answers and multiple-choice questions are given in every chapter, along with chapter practices at the end.

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