War Cantata / Child Object | 拾書所

War Cantata / Child Object

$ 597 元 原價 663
How far will humanity go in its quest for power? Why do we desire to eliminate each other through war? Larry Tremblay latest play, War Cantata, looks at ways the impulse for violence is transmitted from one generation to the next; for example, when a father teaches his son hatred to transform him into a soldier impervious to pity. Without focusing on a particular battle or soldier, this harsh, intense, choral text builds the rhythmic power of words to expose war spiral toward hatredIn 2012, SACD (Soci彋?des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques), in partnership with France Culture, awarded War Cantata the Prix SADC for best world play written in French, and CEAD (Centre des auteurs dramatiques) awarded it the Prix Michel-Tremblay for the best play written in Quebec in 2012.Cast of 7 actors, including 2 men.Excerpt:?THE FATHER: My rifle eye stares at you. | You stand in front of your house | as if your skeleton | Could protect it from my shadow. | Go back. | Look at your house. | It is falling into ruins, | riddled with our bullets. | Your door is a lie | All of which fools no one. | What are you thinking? | That you can stop me from going in? | What are you protecting with your carcass? | Who are you hiding behind your door? | Get out. Get out of my way! | I want to talk to your son. | Because you do have one.?/div>

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