Chemistry for the Biosciences | 拾書所

Chemistry for the Biosciences

$ 3,677 元 原價 4,085
Chemistry pervades our life. It molds our climate, fuels our transport, and gives food its taste and smell. Chemistry powers life itself.Chemistry for the Biosciences leads students through the essential concepts in chemistry that are central to understanding biological systems, using everyday examples and analogies to bring the subject to life. With an emphasis on clear, straightforward explanations, it features biological examples throughout to illustrate just how integral chemistry is to the biosciences.With topics drawn from organic, physical, and inorganic chemistry, the book features a broad range of essential concepts to master.Chemistry for the Biosciences includes many pedagogical tools to help students grasp these concepts as quickly and thoroughly as possible. From the self-check questions throughout each chapter, to the Chemical Toolkits and Maths Tools that help students explore terminology, methods, and unfamiliar numerical skills, the book is written to be a guide for biology students - one that will help them not only remember the essentials, but truly understand them.

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