Nicholas Rowe was the first Poet Laureate of the Georgian era. A fascinating and important yet largely overlooked figure in eighteenth-century literature, he is the ost Augustan? His plays are important both for the way they address the political and social concerns of the day and for reflecting a period in which the theatre was in crisis. This edition sets out to demonstrate Rowe mastery of the early eighteenth century theatre, especially his providing significant roles for women, and examines the political and historical stances of his plays. It also highlights his work as a translator, which was both innovative and deeply in tune with current practices as exemplified by John Dryden and Alexander Pope. This is the first scholarly edition of all Rowe plays and poems and is accompanied by 15 musical scores and 31 black and white illustrations. In this final volume the second part ofis translation of Lucan Pharsalia, described by Samuel Johnson as one of the greatest productions in English poetry, is presented?/I>along with someis own original poetry. newly written explanatory introduction to the poemsy Stephen Bernardrecedes the full edited text. Appendices covering the related music and textual apparatus are also included. The edition comes with a consolidated bibliography andndexor ease of reference.