An interdisciplinary study of the Kuroshio nutrient streamThe surface water of the Kuroshio, a western boundary current in the North Pacific Ocean, is nutrient-depleted and has lower primary productivity, yet abundant fish populations are supported in the region. This is called the “Kuroshio Paradox”.Kuroshio Current: Physical, Biogeochemical and Ecosystem Dynamics presents research from a multidisciplinary team that conducted observational and modeling studies to investigate this contradiction. This timely and important contribution to the ocean sciences literature provides a comprehensive analysis of the Kuroshio. Volume highlights include: New insights into the role of the Kuroshio as a nutrient streamThe first interdisciplinary examination of the Kuroshio ParadoxReflections on the influence of the Kuroshio on Japanese cultureResearch results on both the lower and higher trophic levels in the Kuroshio ecosystemComparisons of the Kuroshio and Gulf Stream nutrient dynamicsPredictions of ecosystem responses to future climate variability