Fake Physics | 拾書所

Fake Physics

$ 882 元 原價 980
People are used to seeing ake physics?in science fiction ?concepts like faster-than-light travel, antigravity and time travel to name a few. The fiction label ought to be a giveaway, but some SF writers ?especially those with a background in professional science ?are so adept at echnobabble?that it can be difficult to work out what is fake and what is real. To confuse matters further, Isaac Asimov 1948 piece about the fictitious time-travelling substance thiotimoline was written, not as a short story, but in the form of a spoof research paper. The boundaries between fact and fiction can also be blurred by physicists themselves - sometimes unintentionally, sometimes with tongue-in-cheek, sometimes to satirize perceived weaknesses in research practices. Examples range from hoaxes aimed at exposing poor editorial standards in academic publications, through hought experiments?that sound like the plot of a sci-fi movie to April Fools?jokes. Even the latter may carry a serious message, whether about the sociology of science or poking fun at legitimate but far-out scientific hypotheses. This entertaining book is a joyous romp exploring the whole spectrum of fake physics ?from science to fiction and back again.

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