All Marketers Are Liars 行銷人是大騙子 | 拾書所

All Marketers Are Liars 行銷人是大騙子

$ 754 元 原價 838
The biggest lie that master marketer Seth Godin tells in All Marketers Are Liars is the name of his book. He explains that all marketers are not, in fact, liars: They are merely storytellers. The liars, he writes, are the consumers who lie to themselves every day about what they wear, where they live, how they vote and what they do to work. Godin explains that successful marketers are just the providers of the stories that consumers choose to believe. A good story that satisfies customers is the source of a company's growth and profit. What it takes to make it work, Godin writes, is a "complete dedication to and embrace of your story."

Stories are necessary to help consumers deal with the deluge of information they face every day, Godin writes, and truly great stories "succeed because they are able to capture the imagination of large or important audiences." A great story, he adds, is true, makes a promise, is trusted, is subtle, happens fast, and often appeals to our senses. Great stories don't contradict themselves, and they match our worldview by agreeing with what we already believe.

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