Negotiating the Impossible | 拾書所

Negotiating the Impossible

$ 880 元 原價 978
Some negotiations are easy. Others are more difficult. And then there are situations that seem hopeless. Conflict is escalating, people are getting aggressive, and no one is willing to back down. And, to top it off, you have little power, money, or other resources to work with.Deepak Malhotra shows you how to succeed even in such wicked negotiations. Malhotra offers a wealth of tangible lessons by telling the behind-the-scenes stories of real-life negotiations, including drafting of the U.S. Constitution, resolving the Cuban Missile Crisis, bringing peace to Northern Ireland, ending bitter disputes in the NFL and NHL, and beating the odds in complex business situations. And he shows how the same principles and tactics can be applied in people's everyday lives, from negotiating job offers and resolving business disputes to tackling obstacles in personal relationships and even negotiating with children.

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