Charlotte's Web | 拾書所

Charlotte's Web

$ 144 元 原價 160

一隻隨時待宰的憨厚小豬,因為蜘蛛朋友的幫助,不但逃過了成為「盤中佳餚」的悲慘命運,更進一步成為農場主人心愛的寵兒,除了每日享用不盡的美味大餐之外,甚至還有昂貴的「牛奶浴」侍侯。究竟,弱小的蜘蛛是如何辦到的呢?《Charlotte’s web》一書完成於1952年,數十年來陪伴了世界各地無數兒童與青少年成長,更是老師們閱讀書單中不可或缺的指定書籍,其在歐美經典之地位足堪媲美曾於國內風行一時的《小王子》,絕對是孩子不容錯過的最佳選擇哦! 

Beloved by generations, Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little are two of the most cherished stories of all time. Now, for the first time ever, these treasured classics are available in lavish new collectors' editions. In addition to a larger trim size, the original black-and-white art by Garth Williams has been lovingly colorized by renowned illustrator Rosemary Wells, adding another dimension to these two perfect books for young and old alike.These are the words in Charlotte's web, high in the barn. Her spiderweb tells of her feelings for a little pig named Wilbur, as well as the feelings of a little girl named Fern ... who loves Wilbur, too. Their love has been shared by millions of readers.

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