藏傳佛教唐卡 | 拾書所


$ 1,672 元 原價 1,900
本卷從故宮珍藏的上千件作品中遴選繪畫唐卡、織繡唐卡,寶相樓壁畫唐卡,共 263件珍品。書中還闡述了這些院藏唐卡的來源與特點,介紹了貢品唐卡、宮廷唐卡及各自特點,展示了藏傳唐卡的發展與中原內地以及周邊地區佛教藝術的緊密聯繫。

The album shows tangkas of Tibet painted in the 17th and the 18th centuries. A good many had come from Tibet as tributes. Others were painted in the palace after Tibetan technique. The album of tangkas in print is the first of its kind.

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