晉唐兩宋繪畫:花鳥走獸(2) | 拾書所


$ 1,254 元 原價 1,900

本卷收錄北京故宮博物院藏唐、五代、兩宋花鳥走獸畫83 幀,細說其規格、材質、畫面內容及其特點、作者生平及其藝術風格等,展示了這一時段存世不多的紙絹本作品,是一份極其珍貴的文化遺產。

Painting in the Song dynasty put on display for the first time in the albums. Nearly all paintings in book I bear a signature or colophon of the painter. Book II consists mainly of single leaves of sketches by anoymous painters.

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