讀李家同學英文02:車票 | 拾書所


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1. 你不需要看得懂每個字或徹底了解每個句子的文法。
2. 要注意動詞的時態。
3. 請注意冠詞的用法。
4. 留意中文的慣用說法,以英文怎麼表達。
5. 如何用文法和標點符號來創造戲劇效果。
Nick Hawkins(郝凱揚)〈閱讀本書的理想方式〉


1.〈吾愛吾徒 I Love My Students〉
The ancients wrote, “To obtain and teach the great talents of the world, is it not a joy?” I, on the other hand, don’t care whether my students are great talents—to me, they’re all “lads”.

2.〈我是誰Who Am I?〉
Pope Pius II was dead. The soul of the deceased pope floated airily up to heaven. He walked and walked until he saw a sign that said “Heaven Check-in”. He walked in. An employee inside cheerfully asked him, “Who are you?”

3.〈視力與偏見Sight and prejudice〉
While riding the train from New York to Boston, I discovered that the elderly man sitting next to me was blind.

4.〈我已長大了Growing Up〉
I mentioned the question of social justice. Dad didn’t argue with me—he only said that society ought to revere justice, but it ought to revere forgiveness even more. “Each of us may one day hope to be forgiven by others,” he said.

5.〈富翁與乞丐 The Rich Man and the Beggar〉
I had often seen shops with strange names in England, but this was the first time I had ever seen a restaurant called “The Rich Man and the Beggar”. My curiosity was aroused.

6.〈車票 Tickets〉
Sister Sun told me that they normally preferred not to go digging up the pasts of abandoned babies, so they had kept these two tickets and waited for me to grow up. They had watched me for a long time, eventually concluding that I was rational enough to deal with this on my own.

7.〈胎記 The Birthmark〉
It was late at night. Little Joseph pulled his crucifix from his filthy backpack and kissed the Christ on the cross, then muttered, “Jesus, I’m still a good boy. Please bless that I may pass this night in peace, and don’t let the bad men come and murder me.”

8.〈真面目 True Face〉
My boss is one of the most notorious dictators in the world. After the Watergate scandal erupted, he developed a keen interest in audio surveillance systems. On one occasion he told me he wished he had some sort of system that would enable him to know what his visitors were really thinking.

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