Fateless(非關命運) | 拾書所


$ 347 元 原價 439

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★ 少年卡維認為,這就是他的命運。過去即便不堪回首,但也永遠無法抹滅。生命不可能重新來過,因此只能欣然接受。生命本就是如此,在不幸中看見希望,在心酸裡隱藏著幸福.....

★ Fourteen-year-old Gyuri’s father has been called up for labour service. Arriving at the family timber store he witnesses with nonchalance and boredom his father sign over the business to the firm’s book-keeper. Two months later he finds himself assigned to a “permanent workplace” but within a fortnight he is unexpectedly pulled off a bus on his way to work and detained without explanation. This is the start of his journey to and subsequent imprisonment in Auschwitz.
On his arrival Gyuri finds that he is unable to identify with other Jews, and in turn is rejected by them. An outsider among his own people, his estrangement makes him a preternaturally acute observer. Fatelessness’ power lies in its refusal to mitigate the unfathomable alienness of the Holocaust and in the strength, and strangeness, of its narrative voice.

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