青花釉裏紅(下) | 拾書所


$ 1,672 元 原價 1,900

(1) 本書收清代青花釉、清代青花瓷在中國陶瓷史中佔有重要的地位;康、雍、乾三朝是中國青花瓷生產的鼎盛時期。
(2) 本書按歷史發展順序進行編排,時代特點突出。
(3) 具有較強的鑒定知識及瓷器知識。
(4) 故宮著名專家耿寶昌主編。
(5) 共收入236件文物珍品,其中94%是從未發表過的。

Book I through photographs with captions, shows the highest grade of blue and white and underglaze red porcelain collected in the Yuan and early Qing. Book II shows the best blue and white porcelain from official Ming kilns. Book III Shows porcelain utensils used exclusively by the Qing imperial family. Published for the first time, the albums are the newest and richest in information.

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