嫡傳楊家太極劍五十一式 | 拾書所


$ 198 元 原價 220

1. 三環套月(接劍式)
2. 魁星式(獨立反刺)
3. 燕子抄子(撲步橫掃)
4. 左右邊攔掃(向左右平帶)
5. 小魁星式(左虛步撩)
6. 燕子入巢(弓步直刺)
7. 靈貓捕鼠(墊步前躍下刺)
8. 鳳凰抬頭(弓步平跳)
9. 黃蜂入洞(轉身下刺)
10. 鳳凰右展翅(弓步右掃)
11. 小魁星(左虛步撩)
12. 鳳凰左展翅(左弓步右點)
13. 等魚勢(虛步點劍)
14. 左右龍行式(左右前刺)
15. 宿鳥投林(獨立上刺)
16. 烏龍擺尾(虛步下戳)
17. 青龍出水(左弓步刺)
18. 風捲荷葉(轉身斜帶)
19. 左右獅子抬頭(退步左右橫掃)
20. 虎抱頭(提膝捧劍)
21. 野馬跳澗(墊步前遠跳下刺)
22. 勒馬式(右側背劍式)
23. 指南針(弓步直刺)
24. 左右迎風撣塵(左右弓步攔點)
25. 順水推舟(進步反刺)
26. 流星趕月(反身回點)
27. 天馬飛瀑(虛步點劍)
28. 挑簾式(獨立平托)
29. 左右車輪(左右輪掃,弓步前點)
30. 燕子銜泥(虛步點劍)
31. 大鵬展翅(撤步右橫掃)
32. 海底撈月(右弓步撩)
33. 懷中抱月(退步拖劍)
34. 哪吒探海(獨立下刺)
35. 犀牛望月(弓步平托劍)
36. 射雁式(虛步回抽)
37. 青龍現爪(跟步平刺)
38. 鳳凰雙展翅(左右橫掃)
39. 左右跨攔(左右平托劍)
40. 射雁式(虛步回抽)
41. 白猿獻果(虛步橫點劍)
42. 左右落花(左右退掃)
43. 玉女穿梭(劍身弓步下刺)
44. 白虎攪尾(轉身上挑)
45. 魚跳龍門(墊步上跳前下刺)
46. 左右烏龍絞柱(左絞掃、右絞點)
47. 仙人指路(弓步劍下刺)
48. 朝天一柱香(弓步豎劍)
49. 風掃梅花(旋轉平掃)
50. 牙笏式(上步前上刺)
51. 抱劍歸原
The Sequence Of Sword Movements Opening Stance
1. Three Rings Envelope The Moon
2. The Big Dipper
3. Swallow Dives On Water
4. Parry To The Right And Left
5. The Little Dipper
6. Swallow Returns To The Nest
7. Spirited cat Catches the Mouse
8. Phoenix Raises Its Head
9. Yellow Bee Enters The Hive
10. Phoenix Spreads Right Wing
11. The Little Dipper
12. Phoenix Spreads Left Wing
13. Waiting For The Fish
14. Dragon Goes Left And Right
15. Bird Returns To The Wood
16. Dragon Swings Its Tail
17. Dragon Emerges From Water
18. Lotus Leaf Blown By The Wind
19. Lion Shakes Its Head Left & Right
20. Tiger Holds Its Head
21. Wild Horse Jumps Over River
22. Rein In The Horse
23. Compass
24. Dusting In The Wind, Left And Right
25. Push The Boat To Follow The Current
26. Shooting Star Chases The Moon
27. Heavenly Steed Flys Over Waterfall
28. Raise The Curtain
29. Left And Right Wheels
30. Swallow Picks Up Mud
31. Gigantic Bird(ROC)Spreads Its Wings
32. Raise The Moon From The Sea-Bed
33. Cradle The Moon Against Your Chest
34. Boy Buddha Looks In The Sea
35. Rhinoceros Admires The Moon
36. Shooting Wild Geese
37. Dragon Shows Its Claws
38. Phoenix Spreads Its Wings
39. Stride Over The Hurdle
40. Shooting Wild Geese
41. White Monkey Presents Fruit
42. A Flower Falls, Left And Right
43. Fair Lady Works The Shuttle
44. White Tiger Swings Its Tail
45. Fish Jumps Over The Dragon Gate
46. Dragon Wraps Around Pillar
47. Fairy Ssows The Way
48. Worship The Sky With One Incense Stick
49. Wind Sweeps The Plum Flower
50. Holding An Ivory Tablet
51. Return To The Start To Finish

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