心結 | 拾書所


$ 173 元 原價 220

This is the story of a 19-year old nursing student who has just completed her studies and is preparing to enter the hospital to do her practical training. She starts out as a simple young woman brimming with self-confidence, but after she has a series of real-life experiences while taking care of her patients – seeing their strengths as well as their weaknesses – it changes her way of thinking as well as her life…

There is a new series of books for you to read … in Chinese! If you want to improve your Chinese reading ability, but can’t find anything suitable to read, this new series of books Chinese Readers is for you. We have books about traditional Chinese stories and original stories. Not only that, but there are books written using beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels of vocabulary and grammar, allowing you to choose a book that is suited to your current level of Chinese. Each book includes a MP3 audio CD so that you can listen while you read and any unfamiliar vocabulary is explained in the glossary of each chapter. So, if you want to learn about Chinese people, culture and lifestyles in Chinese – pick up a title from the Chinese Readers series and 開始看書!

《中文讀本 Chinese Readers》鎖定的讀者群為正在學習中文、想增進中文閱讀能力、享受中文閱讀樂趣、或想藉由閱讀更加了解華人思想、社會、文化、生活的外籍成年人。本套叢書並非教科書,而是課外讀物,依據詞彙多寡和語法難易度分為初、中、高三級,以引導不同程度的學習者。每本書提供不同題材的故事來引起讀者的閱讀興趣,亦附朗讀光碟,讓讀者在閱讀之餘,也能跟著聽故事。

This is a series of Chinese outside reading materials that target foreign Chinese learners.

各級讀本用詞與語法以華語文能力測驗(Test of Proficiency)為依據,以符合各級學習者的閱讀能力與需求。
The wording of all levels of readings is based upon Test of Proficiency to satisfy learners of different levels' reading abilities and needs.

Diversity in topics, including traditional Chinese stories and original stories.

Comprehension questions are attached at the end of every chapter and discussion topics are designed after all chapters to guide readers to examine their comprehension and enhance creative thinking through answering questions.

Supplement with vivid illustrations to guide readers to gain a better understanding of the text and enhance their interests in reading.

Text is complemented with glossary that provides phonetic notations (Bopomofo and Pinyin) and English (or Chinese-English) explanations to help readers understand the story and learn the vocabularies.

An mp3 reading CD is available for readers to listen to the stories while reading.

At the back cover of each reader, an index of levels, categories and Chinese character versions (simplified or complex Chinese) is listed to allow readers to choose whatever best suit them.



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