解放軍新聞分析PLA News Analysis | 拾書所

解放軍新聞分析PLA News Analysis

$ 383 元 原價 450

「解放軍新聞分析 (PLA News Analysis, PNA)」是針對國內外媒體所報導之中共軍事相關動態所作之分析,採月刊方式於每月底出刊。本月刊係肇始於國防部委託國防大學主辦之「2007解放軍研究國際班」,基於外籍學員在結訓時表達我方對於解放軍相關研究均有獨到之觀點,可補西方國家對中共軍事研究之盲點,故希望能夠建立連繫之管道以持續獲得我方之相關研究成果。基於延伸每年度解放軍研究國際班之國際交流成效,乃發行本月刊,並於2007年9月創刊迄今。

The PLA News Analysis, PNA, is an analytical article published monthly. The topic of this article is focusing on China’s military development and the PLA activities. The analysis of PNA is basing on Chinese perspective in order to offering different interpretation to specific China military issue than western perspective. Thus it is valuable and useful for foreigners to read PNA if they want to understand Chinese more and realize the real motivation and consideration of China’s military activities.
PNA has been published since September 2007 for the purpose of extending international exchange achievement of “The PLA Research International Program 2007.” This program has been hold every year in July since 2006, and the faculties of PLA Research Institute are the main instructors and are in charge of program arrangement. Currently the contributor of PNA is Chengkun Ma, Ph.D., Associate Professor of this Institute.
PNA is published every month and mailed to its subscribers coming from the United States, Russia, India, Japan, France, Britain, other countries in West Europe, and most of the ASEAN countries. PNA is also concentrated into a volume for publication. This volume is the first one, and it will continue to publish following volumes every year afterward.

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