National health research institutes annual report 2009(國家衛生研究院98年報英文版) | 拾書所

National health research institutes annual report 2009(國家衛生研究院98年報英文版)

$ 200 元 原價 200


This volume, the 2009 NHRI Annual Report, outlines NHRI’s research highlights and
achievements over the past year, which have value not just in their advancement of human knowledge and health care but also in their potential applications in the biotechnology industry. Recent milestones include the establishment of the NICR/NCKUH cooperative early-phase clinical trials center to seek and provide potential effective treatments for cancer patients, the discovery of a transcriptional pathway that is critical for protection against neuronal apoptosis and cerebral infarction, the demonstration for the first time that Cisd2 is involved in mammalian life-span control, the identification of a series of lead compounds by focusing on developing novel anti-HCV therapeutic agents, the development of HIFU transducer technology at the Division of Medical Engineering Research, and the official opening of the Vaccine Research and Development Center’s cGMP pilot plant. Some of NHRI’s research findings have already become well known and have guided policy makers in formulating national health strategies. Moreover, certain drug-discovery and vaccine developments are important for national reparedness for emerging infectious diseases and may save lives in times of pandemic.

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