Living Legends | 拾書所

Living Legends

$ 115 元 原價 115

Level 2                                                       
Living Legends (活的傳奇)
 The Young Riders of Mongolia (Mongolia) 蒙古的小騎士
Mongolian children are brought up to become good riders like Genghis Khan. As young as twelve years old, they try very hard to win in a horse riding contest.
 The Last of the Cheju Divers (South Korea) 最後的濟洲島海女
What can elderly women do for a living? South Korean women divers in their sixties risk their lives diving into the ocean for seafood.
 The Story of the Hula ( Hawaii) 夏威夷草群舞
Hula is a popular dance in Hawaii. It was banned for more than sixty years but today more and more people want to learn it. What makes the hula so attractive?

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