Mind Your Grammar 2 | 拾書所

Mind Your Grammar 2

$ 180 元 原價 200



Mind Your Grammar系列提供了活潑生動的單元,並配合插圖,讓想要學英文的朋友們能夠很快的記憶文法重點。每個文法重點後附有靈活有趣的練習題,學完文法後能夠馬上自我測驗,如此一來便能快速上手,活用英文。

此外,Mind Your Grammar系列分為三冊,由淺入深。初學英文者可選擇從第一冊開始閱讀,而已經具有英文基礎的學習者則可依個人程度選擇第二或第三冊。若能使用Mind Your Grammar系列按部就班的學習,相信必定能夠輕鬆的增進英文實力。

20 Units of Self-Study Grammar Exercises with Tests!!

Mind Your Grammar is a series on parts of speech and grammar items that comes in three books—Book 1 for beginners (10-13 years old), Book 2 for intermediate (14-17years old) and Book 3 for advanced (general) learners. Level of competency may vary, however, due to the educational background of each learner. Therefore, this series have incorporated various forms of notes, exercises and mind-stretching activities to allow flexibility in the learning process.

Illustrated exercises and creative formations encourage learners to think ‘outside the box’. Learners may have to resource answers away from the notes given to sharpen their critical and creative thinking skills.

The literature component is incorporated as a way of guiding learners into the world of reading through writing, concluding and reading out the stories prepared in the Fun Grammar activity. The multiple intelligence skills are also tested through puzzles and creating stories within the grammar composite. Certain stories run from Book 1 to Book 2 and end in Book 3. This generates interest in learners to follow up on these stories as they progress from the basic items to more advanced structures in learning English.


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