墾丁國家公園海域魚類圖鑑(增修壹版) | 拾書所


$ 1,056 元 原價 1,200


“Marine fishes in Kenting National Park (1st revised edition)” is an illustrative book with up-to-date information. In this version more than 95% of the photographic illustration is new. This book follows the style of the original version and is therefore published as a revised edition. The number of page in this volume has increased from 450 to 656.
The marine province around Kenting encompasses coral reefs and the sandy bottoms in-between. In this book the diverse fishes living in this environment are described using photographs taken either in the fields or on specimens. Moreover, the context covers a wide spectrum of information, from ecological interactions to morphological characteristics, to help understanding each fish. It is hoped that the appreciation of the diversity of these fishes would bring in compassion on them, thereby enhance coral reef conservation.
This book is written by ichthyologists. A checklist of 1382 marine fish species in 137 families is included. Fishes new from Taiwan are specified. Long days of underwater photography and systematic specimen collection have enabled the description of 1154 fish species from 116 families. A total of 2258 color plates (over 90% taken from Kenting area) are used. When feasible, the fish in different developmental stages is presented.
High picture quality is assured. Collections of medal-winning photographs are among the color plates used. So much so, this book can be used as an illustrative guide as well as an exhibition of underwater photography. The text covers family overviews, identification keys, species descriptions and picture captions. Thus this book is suitable for either leisure or academic use.

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