薩克斯風即興教本:中音‧Alto【爵士演奏入門】 | 拾書所


$ 288 元 原價 320

 ☆ 中英對照‧雙語版本 ☆



◎ 第一部分:二十首基礎練習。目的在於學習搖擺感,從最基本的節奏與分句法開始。

◎ 第二部分:十二首練習曲。重點在於「節奏」,每首練習介紹一種爵士樂常用的搖擺節奏。

◎ 第三部分:十首樂曲。根據不同的「爵士樂標準曲目和聲進行」寫成,讓您在樂曲中實際體驗。伴奏部分除可作為該樂曲的伴奏,亦可作為原本「標準曲目」的伴奏。

◎ 光碟兩張:包含全書所有練習(基礎練習/練習曲/樂曲)的示範錄音及伴奏。

 ☆ Chinese-English Bilingual Edition ☆

In the last one hundred years, jazz has experienced many evolutions in style. Although these jazz styles have different music elements, they share the two most important elements of jazz music -- improvisation and swing. In this book, we will start with swing, and learn how to improvise within a swing feel.

This book consists of three parts and the attached two CDs.

◎ Part I: The goal of these 20 exercises is to learn how to swing. They start with basic rhythm and articulation.

◎ Part II: The 12 etudes focus on "rhythm." Each etude introduces an idiomatical rhythm in the jazz style.

◎ Part III: The 10 tunes are based on chord progressions from well-known jazz standards. The play-alongs on these tunes could also be accompaniments of the jazz standards that they refer to.

◎ The CDs contain demonstrations of all exercises / etudes / tunes, and play-alongs.

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