A Beautiful Mind | 拾書所

A Beautiful Mind

$ 221 元 原價 280



但是他的另一半愛莉西亞並沒有忘記他,以無盡的愛意從旁陪伴與鼓勵;他的昔日同事也沒有忘記他,四處奔走,為他申請研究計畫,不願這位天才就此潦倒埋沒。而納許在「賽局理論」的貢獻更沒有被人遺忘,在當代社會科學成為最具影響力的理論,納許因此獲得 1994 年諾貝爾經濟學獎。


“HOW COULD YOU, A MATHEMATICIAN, BELIEVE THAT EXTRATERRESTRIALS WERE SENDING YOU MESSAGES?” the visitor from Harvard asked the West Virginian with the movie-star looks and Olympian manner. “Because the ideas I had about supernatural beings came to me the same way my mathematical ideas did,” came the answer. “So I took them seriously.”

Thus begins the true story of John Nash, the mathematical genius who was a legend by age thirty when he slipped into madness, and who—thanks to the selflessness of a beautiful woman and the loyalty of the mathematics community—emerged after decades of ghostlike existence to win a Nobel Prize for triggering the game theory revolution. The inspiration for an Academy Award–winning movie, Sylvia Nasar’s now-classic biography is a drama about the mystery of the human mind, triumph over adversity, and the healing power of love.

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