100年臺北水源特定區生態調查監測計畫 | 拾書所


$ 425 元 原價 500
The Taipei Water Resource Special District is an important area of domestic water resource for Taipei metropolitan area. For the past 20 years, following the protection policy, the water resources, water quality, and water quantity in the District have been prevented from deterioration by natural or artificial depredation. With established strict rules, various exploitation activities and land utilization inside the District have been restrained to maintain regional environment and ecology. In the future, how to achieve equilibrium between regional development and water resources protection policy (prevention of various activities against rules, and conservation of water resources, water quantity, water quality and bio-diversity) in order for a diversification development and win-win situation is very important. It is necessary to establish a monitoring system for environmental and ecological investigation.
This project is an extension of the projects in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 which related to environmental and ecological management and integral utilization. This project conducts field investigation of water domain, land domain and river environmental factors over the Taipei Water Resource Special District. The investigation for water domain includes fishery, aquatic insects and algae. The investigation for land domain includes plants (most are classified as vascular bundles or above), birds, amphibians and reptilians. The investigation for river environmental factors includes river width, water depth, flow velocity, radii of river substrates, water temperature, pH, DO, BOD5, EC, turbidity, SS, NO3- , NH4+, TP, Ecoli, and TOC. The frequency of field investigation is once in a season, which means 4 times a year. The survey of this year have found 8 families 26 species of fish, 28 families 65 species of bird, 6 families 19 species of amphibians, 10 families 22 species of reptile, 5 families 20 sub-families 123 species of butterflies, and 7 families 18 species of dragonflies. The water and land domain ecological monitoring results showed that the fish species and numbers reduced due to the increase of turbidity in Fushan sampling station. The indicating fish species are mainly the Cypriniformes cyprinidae, Plecoglossus altivelis, and Acrossocheilus paradoxus, which are fishes suitable for clean water only.

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