定期航運策略聯盟之探討 | 拾書所


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為擴充全球市場的佔有率,擴大對託運人的服務,定期航運業者藉由船舶大型化擴增營運規模,以求運輸成本的降低,在有限的市場運輸需求下,為防止運輸供給大於需求,引發惡性競爭,業者因此採取策略聯盟的方式經營。本研究對定期航運策略聯盟現況及我國航業法及公平交易法對此相關行為之規範等加以探討,以提供業者決定合作夥伴及政府相關單位未來對策略聯盟行為制定規範之參考。本研究發現海運聯營乃國際間企業的契約行為,其行為是以提供顧客更多元的服務為宗旨,故應無違反公平交易法之虞;然海運同盟亦是航商間的契約行為,其成立乃以限制競爭為目的,藉由彼此的協商、約束,舒緩會員間的激烈競爭,其相關之運價協定、公攤協定、延期回扣制、契約運價制、競爭船等行為,似有違反我國公平交易法之虞。 英文內容大要: A new business model, aiming at expanding the market, reducing costs and enhancing customer service, is important for the formulation of shipping strategies. The trend of strategic alliance is still an ongoing process as the growing number of alliances formed and the scope and the complexity of alliance operations. As the forming of strategic alliances becomes increasingly popular, the liner shipping industry is facing a keen competition. Thus cooperation among member carriers is required. In recent years, most of the liners have sought extensive cooperation with others, as reflected mainly by the formation of shipping alliances. Over years of development, many theories have been proved that strategic alliances are useful and prompt methods to broaden the scope of the liner services. In other words, they are analytically applicable in the market. This study reviews literatures relating to strategic alliances published during the past decade. This report first introduces the background of shipping cooperation and the reasons to form the strategic alliances. The types of shipping alliances and their effects are briefly described. Furthermore, the report also discusses the relation between shipping alliances and Fair Trade Act. Based on the above, this study analyzes the relationships between alliance members and the application of strategic alliances in the liner shipping sector in order to provide useful references for liner shipping industry.

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