臺灣人類學刊:第十卷第一期 | 拾書所


$ 200 元 原價 200

《臺灣人類學刊》Taiwan Journal of Anthropology 由中央研究院民族學研究所出版,每年六月、十二月出刊,乃一份結合臺灣、全球華文人類學界以及國際人類學界同仁共同參與編輯,而以全球華文人類學社群為主要訴求對象,並與國際人類學界聯繫和接軌的人類學專業期刊。企盼這份期刊能為臺灣發掘出對文化瞭解更深刻、寬廣且更具創新的研究成果,並跨越出機關刊物與區域性雜誌的限制,面對巨大而多樣的挑戰,最終能貢獻華文人類學研究於一個更開放而廣闊的國際人類學社區。此外,本刊亦尋求廣大讀者以投稿和訂閱的方式,給予我們支持及批評指教。       

本刊為國科會「臺灣社會科學引文索引」資料庫(TSSCI) 收錄期刊。

Taiwan Journal of Anthropology is published by the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica and issued every June and December. The journal is edited by the academic colleagues of Taiwan, the global Chinese anthropology, and the international community. With the main audience of the Anthropology of the global Chinese community, the professional journal is an international academic linkages and integration of human anthropology. The journal looks forward to digging a deeper understanding of culture and broaden a more innovative research and publications in Taiwan. In addition, break the limitations of regional magazines authority publications. Even facing an enormous and varied challenges, it ultimately can contribute to Chinese Anthropology with a more open and broad international anthropological community. In addition, the publication also is seeking submissions and subscribed readers as a way to give us advices, support and criticism.
The journal is indexed in "Taiwan Social Science Citation Index" database (TSSCI) .

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