Julie & Julia (Film Tie-in) | 拾書所

Julie & Julia (Film Tie-in)

$ 247 元 原價 494

這本書是一個在紐約的女孩向全美知名料裡主持界天王Julia Child致敬之書
2002年,日子過得百無聊賴的祕書茱莉突發奇想,計劃以一年的時間,完成美國名廚茱莉亞.柴爾德(Julia Child)《掌握法國廚藝》書中的524道料理,並將心得發表在部落格「The Julie/Julia Project」上,結果不僅出版成書,更被好萊塢搬上銀幕,成就了這部號稱是「Bridget Jones遇上法系大廚」的幸福小品。

一個徬徨在紐約市裡的女子學習Julia Child認清自己的力量
從最日常的食物製作中找到人生方向 找回自己






Julie & Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously is the story of the hilarious culinary blogging project aspiring writer Julie Powell embarks on in order to kick-start her writing career and give her life focus – the results, however, are not quite what she had first envisioned . . .

Living in a tiny apartment in New York and trapped in a job she hates, Julie Powell sees life passing her by. Then one night, she notices that the few items she’s grabbed from the Korean grocery store are the few items she’s grabbed for Potage Parmentier, as described in Julia Child’s legendary cookbook,Mastering the Art of French Cooking. And The Project is born.

Julie begins to cool – every one of the 524 recipes in the book, in the space of just one year. Soon The Project is all she can think about. While the richness of the food she slaves over spreads into the rest of her life. . .

‘Sassy, quirky and disarmingly honest…Powell draws high-calorie comedy from her exploits’ Marie Claire

‘A gem of a book…both hilarious and touching’ Glamour

Julie Powell started to entertain readers on her infamous blog, on which she pledged to cook all the recipes from Julia Child’s iconic cookbook Mastering the Art of French Cooking. The blog achieved a dedicated following and, as a result of this, it evolved into Julie & Julia – a novel which connects Julie’s blog to a reworking of Julia Child’s biography. Julie & Julia was adapted for film by Nora Ephron in 2009 and starred Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. Cleaving, the sequel to Julie & Julia, is also available from Penguin.

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