思想史04 | 拾書所


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《思想史4》收錄中文論著二篇、英文論著二篇、研究討論一篇、書評一篇。在論著部分,吳孟謙呈現了晚明思想的多元價值現象;蔡孟翰以近代東亞四國(中國、日本、朝鮮、越南)為分析對象,討論「民族」一詞的由來與演變;Roy Tseng(曾國祥)探索牟宗三思想與黑格爾(Hegel)、格林(T. H. Green)之淵源;Harry T. Dicknson一文則聚焦於英國從十八世紀下半葉到十九世紀上半葉之間的民主化過程,討論公民自由、政治權力與經濟發展之間的互動關係。

吳孟謙 敦化川流──論管東溟的判教思想及其時代關懷
蔡孟翰 從宗族到民族──「東亞民族主義」的形成與原理
Roy Tseng Revisiting Mou Tsung-san’s Idea of Moral Religion:A Dialogue with Hegel and T. H. Green
Harry T. Dickinson How Democratic were British Politics from the Wilkesites to the Chartists (1760s-1840s)?

陳禹仲 近代早期歐洲思想史中的曼德維爾

楊貞德 評李淑珍《安身立命:現代華人公私領域的探索與重建》

吳孟謙 敦化川流──論管東溟的判教思想及其時代關懷


Revisiting Mou Tsung-san’s Idea of Moral Religion: A Dialogue with Hegel and T. H. Green
Consideration of the Confucian notion of moral religion has a long history,but while I am appreciative of the fruits of previous studies, here I amconcerned specifically with a reconstruction of Mou Tsung-san’s idea of moralreligion through a potential dialogue with Hegel and T. H. Green. Moreprecisely, my aims in this paper are twofold: First, I am trying to highlight thethree main aspects of the idea of moral religion in the thought of Hegel andGreen: the disapproval of the orthodox Christian view that God is external tohumanity; a reinterpretation of the attributes of God through internalization;and the moral ideal of self-realization as the fulfillment of one’s inner moralitythrough communicating with the way in which God works in history. Second, Iam arguing that Mou Tsung-san’s renovation of Confucian moral religion isintensely indebted to Hegel; and consequently that his re-examination of theethical personality in Confucian thought bears a remarkable resemblance toGreen’s idea of self-realization. Seen in this light, a far-reaching dialoguebetween Neo-Confucianism and British Idealism, which promotes a certainform of “perfectionist liberalism,” can help to answer the question of how andin what sense Confucianism can accommodate liberal values.

How Democratic were British Politicsfrom the Wilkesites to the Chartists (1760s-1840s)?
This article suggests that Britain experienced efforts at a democratic revolution in the later eighteenth and earlier nineteenth centuries just as much as France or the USA. British radicals over these decades engaged in an intense ideological campaign to defend civil liberties, promote active political rights and to advocate greater economic equality. They also engaged in major political campaigns to extend the franchise to more Britons, but did not often attack monarchy or aristocracy. Some radicals did propose ways to improve the economic conditions of the poor masses. While impressive, neither the ideological campaign in support of greater liberty nor the political efforts to achieve a fairer and more democratic society achieved complete success. This does not mean however that British political culture was not more democratic by the mid-nineteenth century than it had been a century before. To appreciate Britain’s more open and participatory culture by the mid-nineteenth century it is necessary to look at such activities and developments as popular involvement in elections, urban expansion, the growth of a free press, wider literacy, the expansion of voluntary associations, and the frequency of public meetings and popular disturbances.

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