閩南布袋戲在東南亞與台灣(中英對照) | 拾書所


$ 540 元 原價 600

布袋戲 (Potehi) 源起中國福建南部,是全世界最為精緻的音樂劇場形式之一。在這本開創性的著作裡,六位研究者勾畫出布袋戲從福建傳佈至台灣和東南亞地區之輪廓,包括印尼、馬來西亞、新加坡與緬甸。本書著重於探究當前布袋戲如何在不同國家和地區內存續,從演出活動、語言、音樂、圖像學和宗教信仰等不同層面,觸及社會政治、文化議題。這本書含有豐富的圖片以及深入淺出的內容,是研究與學習亞洲文化、劇場藝術之人士不可或缺的書籍。

The glove puppet theatre, potehi, which originated in the south of Fujian province, China, is one of the most elegant forms of music theatre in the world. In this path-breaking book, six researchers chart its spread from Fujian to Taiwan and Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Myanmar. The emphasis of this book is on how glove puppet theatre is currently functioning in these different countries and regions, touching upon sociopolitical and general cultural issues, as well performance practice, language, music, iconography and religious aspects of the genre. Lavishly illustrated and written in an accessible style, this book is an indispensable addition to the shelf of any student or scholar of theatre as well as a broader readership interested in Asian culture.

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