Restaurant Graphics 2 (No.2) | 拾書所

Restaurant Graphics 2 (No.2)

$ 1,103 元 原價 1,225

Learn from the pros how to enhance ambience of a restaurance with the right print graphics. Stay current with the hottest designs proven to keep customers coming through the door. See how other restaurants are successfully serving logo merchandise to customers a la carte in gift shops.

Second in Rockports' series on the finest design packages from restaurances around the globe, Restaurant Graphics 2 shows how world-class design firms cook up visual indentities for eateries by creatively applying their craft to menus, napkins, T-shirts, baseball caps, placemats, and more.

Every style of restaurant is represented---bar & grill, cafe, even those restaurants with retro themes from the '30s, '40s, and '50s. This book will serve as an idea book for restauranteur and designer alike.

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