在歐美早期的文化史,基督教與科學是兩大巨石,基督教是西元第一世紀,因拿撒勒人耶穌的誕生、傳道,猶太人信從他是彌撒亞、非猶太人(通稱為外邦人),接受衪為救主後,才開始有基督教會、基督教徒和他們的信仰。在人類文化中有一較長的歷史,聖經有創造論,記述人類、生物、社會的創始;它固然不是科學性的記述,但內容有人類、日月星晨與 動、植物生長等,是科學性的事實。
現代實驗科學在 16-17世紀萌芽,因科學發達,思維與視野而擴展,導致社會進步、人們生活大為改善,帶來全球人類的福祉,有科學革命之稱,世界觀改觀。1858年,達爾文的“衍化論 (The Evolution Theory)”問世,無神論與唯物論者誤用它,對“創造論”挑戰,在西方社會文化中,有近年來的文化戰爭論不己,圖書館內有關書藉是汗牛充棟。
近數十年來,有識之仕、諾貝爾獎金獲得之學者、知名大學教授、學者與基督教會神學家、教牧等人隨即應戰,透過專著、立論以護衛信仰,建立橋梁以取得相互瞭解、相互共識。各自盡心志以造福人類的福祉。 義大利知名學者、現代實驗科學之父迦利略 (Galileo Galilea, Father of Experimental Sciences) 的名言:“耶和華神,給 我們兩本書,一是聖經─神的話語,另一本書,是所創造的大宇宙。 這倆本書, 神是作者,因此,這倆本書,不應該有所衝突。” 言之至真至實!
Brief English introduction of “Science and Christian Faith: Their Relationship in the Past, Present and Future”.
The book of “Science and Christian Faith: Their Relationship in the Past, Present and Future” is a book dealing with natural sciences and my personal, evangelical Christian faith, their relationship in time of past, present and future.” It is a semi-science popular reference book.
In western civilization, Christianity and science are historically two Rocks. Christianity was borne when Jesus commenced his ministry among the Jewish people. In a short period of time, Christianity was popularized by his disciples; and extended to the other parts of the world. So, we have Christianity and her ecclesiastic doctrines; and his followers as Christians and Christian Church.
In 16-17th centuries, modern experimental sciences were borne. Three Christian scholars, i. e. Nicholas Copernicus, Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilea first formulated the helio-centered universe. Thereby, Christianity was the mother of experimental sciences. In addition, Galileo even suggested a metaphor of Two Books, explaining the mutually explainable relationships between science and faith. Unfortunately, the Roman Catholic Church made a mistake by condemning Galileo as heretic, then to house arrest and consequently died of old age. This left a bad taste in the mouth of scientists. With this, a schism between Christian faith and science was created.
In 1858, Charles Darwin published his “Origin of Species” with an “evolution theory”. The “War Hypothesis” between these two scholarly disciplines was proposed by two American scholars. Several American atheists contributed their efforts to make the conflict being even worsen. All these have been extended to the 21st century.
Beginning in early years of 20th century, eminent scholars such as Albert Einstein, John Polkinghorne, Bernard Ramm and many others endeavored d to build bridge of mutual understanding and reconciliation between the two camps. Einstein said that “All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man’s life from the sphere of mere physical existence, and leading the individuals towards freedom.” The US National Academy of Sciences endorsed Einstein’s conviction.
In recent years, British and American scholars and theologians, following both Galileo’s metaphor of two books and Einstein’s conviction (as given above) have continued to build bridges of mutual understanding and conciliation between science and Christian faith. My book on “Science and Christian faith” is written as wee contribution to this noble undertaking.
在歐美早期的文化史,基督教與科學是兩大巨石,基督教是西元第一世紀,因拿撒勒人耶穌的誕生、傳道,猶太人信從他是彌撒亞、非猶太人(通稱為外邦人),接受衪為救主後,才開始有基督教會、基督教徒和他們的信仰。在人類文化中有一較長的歷史,聖經有創造論,記述人類、生物、社會的創始;它固然不是科學性的記述,但內容有人類、日月星晨與 動、植物生長等,是科學性的事實。
現代實驗科學在 16-17世紀萌芽,因科學發達,思維與視野而擴展,導致社會進步、人們生活大為改善,帶來全球人類的福祉,有科學革命之稱,世界觀改觀。1858年,達爾文的“衍化論 (The Evolution Theory)”問世,無神論與唯物論者誤用它,對“創造論”挑戰,在西方社會文化中,有近年來的文化戰爭論不己,圖書館內有關書藉是汗牛充棟。
近數十年來,有識之仕、諾貝爾獎金獲得之學者、知名大學教授、學者與基督教會神學家、教牧等人隨即應戰,透過專著、立論以護衛信仰,建立橋梁以取得相互瞭解、相互共識。各自盡心志以造福人類的福祉。 義大利知名學者、現代實驗科學之父迦利略 (Galileo Galilea, Father of Experimental Sciences) 的名言:“耶和華神,給 我們兩本書,一是聖經─神的話語,另一本書,是所創造的大宇宙。 這倆本書, 神是作者,因此,這倆本書,不應該有所衝突。” 言之至真至實!
Brief English introduction of “Science and Christian Faith: Their Relationship in the Past, Present and Future”.
The book of “Science and Christian Faith: Their Relationship in the Past, Present and Future” is a book dealing with natural sciences and my personal, evangelical Christian faith, their relationship in time of past, present and future.” It is a semi-science popular reference book.
In western civilization, Christianity and science are historically two Rocks. Christianity was borne when Jesus commenced his ministry among the Jewish people. In a short period of time, Christianity was popularized by his disciples; and extended to the other parts of the world. So, we have Christianity and her ecclesiastic doctrines; and his followers as Christians and Christian Church.
In 16-17th centuries, modern experimental sciences were borne. Three Christian scholars, i. e. Nicholas Copernicus, Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilea first formulated the helio-centered universe. Thereby, Christianity was the mother of experimental sciences. In addition, Galileo even suggested a metaphor of Two Books, explaining the mutually explainable relationships between science and faith. Unfortunately, the Roman Catholic Church made a mistake by condemning Galileo as heretic, then to house arrest and consequently died of old age. This left a bad taste in the mouth of scientists. With this, a schism between Christian faith and science was created.
In 1858, Charles Darwin published his “Origin of Species” with an “evolution theory”. The “War Hypothesis” between these two scholarly disciplines was proposed by two American scholars. Several American atheists contributed their efforts to make the conflict being even worsen. All these have been extended to the 21st century.
Beginning in early years of 20th century, eminent scholars such as Albert Einstein, John Polkinghorne, Bernard Ramm and many others endeavored d to build bridge of mutual understanding and reconciliation between the two camps. Einstein said that “All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man’s life from the sphere of mere physical existence, and leading the individuals towards freedom.” The US National Academy of Sciences endorsed Einstein’s conviction.
In recent years, British and American scholars and theologians, following both Galileo’s metaphor of two books and Einstein’s conviction (as given above) have continued to build bridges of mutual understanding and conciliation between science and Christian faith. My book on “Science and Christian faith” is written as wee contribution to this noble undertaking.