無鍚與江浙名城:歷史影像數位彩色復原精選 | 拾書所


$ 1,540 元 原價 2,000


Since photography was introduced to China from the West, photo studios became popular in a number of commercial ports along the coast. Adventurous travelers and missionaries to Far East recorded what they saw and took photos for the Eastern world with civilizations dating back for millennia. This book selected images from the late Qing Dynasty to China’s Republican Era, concerning the following cities: Wuxi, Nanjing, Shanghai, Xuzhou, Yangzhou, Zhenjiang, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo, and Shaoxing. Many historical sites were recorded in detail, such as Huangbudun, Dragon Light Pagoda, Jiangnan Examination Hall, Yifeng gate, Ming Lou (Ming Mansion), Kuishan pagoda, Fuyun gate of Jiangdu county, Wenchang Pavilion, Leifeng pagoda, former city wall of Shaoxing and so forth. Their original looks are nowhere to be seen except in the old photos.

Additionally, modern buildings had replaced the old ones in the Chinese modernization process. The images in this book not only involve a number of historical sites, but also deal with Chinese people’s living in China’s Republican Era. There are approximately 100 images in this book, most of which are albumen prints. Other images, especially those about Wuxi and Suzhou in the late Qing Dynasty, were created in the wet-plate collodion process, an invention of the 1850s. Also, film colorization was applied with the help of digital image processing in order to make these images look more authentic and to encourage the reader to pay attention to detail in the photos.

The colorized historical photographs are the re-creation of the original black and white photos. By using the colorization method, there are more details revealed to the readers which might not be seen on the original photographs. The art of the colorization of the historical images not only enhance the visual effect while represent the historical event, but also at the same level enrich the artistic value for the photographs.

General speaking, every single image represents a historical event. When an image was captured, there were endless information in the content to provide viewers to research, appreciate and observe the beauty within. From generation to generation, people document what they see by using cameras. The ways of seeing based on different perspectives, and the perception represents the view point of the world through the eyes of the beholder.

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