Stitch Camp ─ 18 Crafty Projects for Kids & Tweens - Learn 6 All-Time Favorite Skills: Sew, Knit, Crochet, Felt, Embroider, Weave | 拾書所

Stitch Camp ─ 18 Crafty Projects for Kids & Tweens - Learn 6 All-Time Favorite Skills: Sew, Knit, Crochet, Felt, Embroider, Weave

$ 551 元 原價 698
Writtten with a little bit of sass that will appeal to 9- to 14-year-olds,Stitch Camp introduces kids to fiber crafts in a way that not only promises success in the present, but opens the potential for a passion for creating that will last a lifetime. Each of the six chapters focuses on a different fiber craft (sewing, embroidery, crochet, felting, knitting, and weaving), opening with a step-by-step introduction to the basic tools and techniques needed to get started. The basics are then supported by three specific projects, graded from total beginner to something a bit more sophisticated. Techniques will be illustrated, and the projects themselves will be created by the intended audience and photographed with kids wearing or using the items. Kids will learn how to sew bean bags (and what games to play with them), create a T-shirt dress, embroider their own “scout” badges, make toasty felted mittens and fingerless gloves, create a funky “monster” zippered change purse, knit a padded cover for their phone or table, crochet an elegant beaded bracelet or necklace, make and play with hacky sacks, and weave decorative patches on their jeans or jackets.

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