FUN 學美國英語閱讀課本:各學科實用課文4【二版】(菊8K+MP3+Workbook) | 拾書所

FUN 學美國英語閱讀課本:各學科實用課文4【二版】(菊8K+MP3+Workbook)

$ 359 元 原價 399

Academic Topics各學科核心文章
Key Words關鍵字彙與片語
Picture Vocabulary彩圖字彙
Main Idea and Details 閱讀技巧練習
針對課文精心設計題型,練習閱讀理解技巧,包含找出文章的主旨(main idea)、細節(details)。另有圖解式大綱(outline)整理,協助掌握文章架構。
Vocabulary Builder字彙複習

Chapter 1 Social Studies‧History and Geography
Theme: People Move from Place to Place 移民問題探討
Unit 01 Moving to a New Community 移居新地區
Unit 02 A Nation of Immigrants 移民的國家
Theme: Economics 經濟知識
Unit 03 Earning, Spending, and Saving Money 賺錢、花錢和存錢
Unit 04 Our Needs and Wants 需求與欲求
Vocabulary Review 1 單字複習1
Theme: Living in Different Climates 不同氣候環境下的生活
Unit 05 World Climate Regions 全球氣候區域
Unit 06 Extreme Weather Conditions 極端天氣型態
Theme: Using Resources 資源使用
Unit 07 Goods and Resources 商品與資源
Unit 08 Goods and Services 商品與服務
Vocabulary Review 2 單字複習2
Theme: The Government 政府組織
Unit 09 American State and Local Governments 美國各州和地方政府
Unit 10 The Three Branches of Government 政府的三大部門
Theme: Laws and Rules 法律與法規
Unit 11 Laws and Rules 法律與法規
Unit 12 The Jury System 陪審團制度
Vocabulary Review 3 單字複習3
Wrap-Up Test 1 總複習1

Chapter 2 Science 科學
Theme: A World of Plants 植物的世界
Unit 13 Kinds of Plants 植物的種類
Unit 14 How Do Plants Make Food? 植物如何製造食物?
Theme: A World of Animals 動物的世界
Unit 15 Classifications of Animals 動物的分類
Unit 16 What Do Animals Need to Live and Grow? 動物生長需要什麼?
Vocabulary Review 4 單字複習4
Theme: Food Chains 食物鏈
Unit 17 What Makes Up a Food Chain? 食物鏈的組成
Unit 18 Herbivores, Carnivores, and Omnivores 草食性、肉食性和雜食性動物
Theme: Ecosystems 生態系統
Unit 19 What Are Ecosystems? 何謂生態系統?
Unit 20 Dinosaurs: Extinct but Still Popular 恐龍:已滅絕卻仍廣受喜愛
Vocabulary Review 5 單字複習5
Theme: The Weather and the Water Cycle 天氣狀態和水循環
Unit 21 The Weather 天氣
Unit 22 The Water Cycle 水循環
Theme: Earth’s Resources 地球資源
Unit 23 Rocks, Minerals, and Soil 岩石、礦物和土壤
Unit 24 Fossils and Fossil Fuels 化石和化石燃料
Vocabulary Review 6 單字複習6
Wrap-Up Test 2 總複習2
Chapter 3 Mathematics‧Language‧Visual Arts‧Music
Theme: Geometry 幾何學
Unit 25 Points, Lines, and Line Segments 點、線和線段
Unit 26 Polygons 多邊形
Theme: Measurement 測量學
Unit 27 The U.S. Customary System and the Metric System 美制和公制單位系統
Unit 28 Measurement Word Problems 測量應用題
Vocabulary Review 7 單字複習7
Theme: Myths from Ancient Greece 古希臘神話
Unit 29 Gods and Goddesses in Greek Myths 希臘神話中的男女眾神
Unit 30 Titans, Heroes, and Monsters in Greek Myths 希臘神話中的泰坦、英雄和妖怪
Theme: Myths from Ancient Rome 古羅馬神話
Unit 31 Same Gods, Different Names 同神不同名
Unit 32 Cupid and Psyche 邱比特與賽姬
Vocabulary Review 8 單字複習8
Theme: Visual Arts 視覺藝術
Unit 33 Architecture and Architects 建築學和建築師
Unit 34 Sculptures and Sculptors 雕刻和雕刻家
Theme: A World of Music 音樂的世界
Unit 35 Elements of Music 音樂的元素
Unit 36 What’s Your Vocal Range? 你屬於哪種音域
Vocabulary Review 9 單字複習9
Wrap-Up Test 3總複習3

Word List 單字表
Answers and Translations 解答和課文翻譯

Workbook for Daily Review 練習本

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