用圖解 輕鬆學寫作!
◎ 用圖像理解句子構造+搭配例句(中英對照):
1. 【句子構造】
‧ 如:主詞(S)+不及物動詞(Vi)/ 主詞(S)+及物動詞(Vt)+受詞(O)
2. 【句型又該怎麼延伸應用】
‧ 這麼用:
Willow trees around the pond (S) provide (Vt) shade and breeze (O).
包含36種階層圖,透過Part 2 圖解應用篇的階層圖認識作文「起」、「承」、「轉」、「合」各段落的主旨句,應用在「自傳」、「報告講稿」、「短文」和「商用書信」四大常見作文主題中,立即找到要寫的重點內容,提升學習效率!!
1. 【作文主題、各段落這麼寫】
‧『主題』:應徵職業(Applying Job)
A Tour Guide 導遊
‧『起』:家庭背景與影響 (Family Background and Influences)Born into a family of four members, I often get close to nature with my family. 家中有四名成員,我常與家人接近大自然。
‧『承』:教育與工作經驗(Education and Working Experiences)Before finishing all the major courses, I used to coach summer camps as part-time jobs. 我在修完所有主修課程前,過去常常兼差指導夏令營。
‧『轉』:興趣與技能(Interests and Skills)
I love traveling and making friends, and I’m a licensed tour guide mastering several foreign languages. 我熱愛旅遊及交友,並且是精通數國外語、領有執照的導遊。
‧『合』:態度與期許(Attitudes and Expectations)
Being optimistic and responsible, I hope to fulfill my dreams of traveling and helping tourists enjoy their trips. 樂觀負責的我希望能實現旅遊及幫助觀光客享受旅程的夢想。
2. 【圖解重點說明,了解各段落的重點脈絡】
‧『起』:「Born into a family of four members, I often get close to nature with my family.」 說明應徵者的家庭背景對他日後喜愛旅遊產生重大影響。
‧『承』:「Before finishing all the major courses, I used to coach summer camps as part-time jobs.」 此部份強調應徵者大學教育與打工經驗兼具。
3. 【輕鬆便利貼光碟,依照指示,複製、貼上,仿造風格,寫出具個人化,兼具正確性的作文】
‧英文自傳 便利貼光碟 1-1 Tips:實線和虛線是可以替換的地方,虛線同時也是單元重要句型,套色處結合Part 1句型文法的應用,整合式學習拓展作能力!
I am Henry Li, aged twenty-five. Born into a family of four members, I often get close to nature with my family. As nature-lovers, my parents often took my brother and me to go on short trips in the countryside when we were little. So, I have become fond of traveling around whenever possible.