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佛洛依德(Sigmund Freud, 1856-1939)中年常感恐懼,不敢出遠門。自我分析四年,完成羅馬之旅。
「坦誠面對自己是很好的練習。」“Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.”

榮格(Carl Jung, 1875-1961)與佛絡依德分手名聲沒落,數年再次掘起。
“My life is what I have done, my scientific work; the one is inseparable from the other.
The work is the expression of inner development.”

阿德勒(Alfred Adler, 1870-1937)走出自卑童年,不受制於過去,當未來的創造者。
“The individual is thus both the picture and the artist.”

伯尼(Eric Berne, 1910-1970)幼年失去父親、又被心理分析學派拒絕。脫離古典分析學派,發展出溝通分析的論點。
“We shared a common interest in how the past effects people—some let it decide who they are,while others make it part of what they will do.”

沃爾皮(Joseph Wolpe, 1915-1997)和拿撒勒(Arnold Allan Lazarus, 1932-2013)兩人師生關係決裂分道揚鑣,各自發展出一片天。
“We firmly believe that therapy is education rather than healing; that it is growth rather than treatment.”-- Lazarus

艾里斯(Albert Ellis, 1913-2007)自幼體弱膽小,靠自我語言度過關卡。
“If people were to be most effective at living harmoniously with others, they’d better first learn how to live peacefully with themselves.”

貝克(Aaron T. Beck, b. 1921)從小就有焦慮與恐懼症,常以認知方法克服。接受心理分析訓練,研究憂鬱時找不到科學驗證,探討後發現認知是憂鬱的主因。
「停!請給自己一次機會。」“Stop it, and give yourself a chance.”

林涵(Marsha M. Linehan, b. 1943)從療養院病情最重的病患變為心理諮商師,實踐當年受苦中的承諾:
“When I get out, I’m going to come back and get others out of here.”

葛拉瑟(William Glasser, 1925-2013)治療理念不同,醫院拒絕轉介病人給他。
“All our behavior is always our best choice, at the time we make the choice, to satisfy one or more of these needs.”

法蘭克(Viktor Frankl, 1905-1997)帶著意義諮商的理念在集中營度過三年囚犯的日子後仍堅信:
“What you have experienced, no power on earth can take from you.”

羅吉斯(Carl Rogers, 1902-1987)發展理論時遇到瓶頸,
“We cannot change, we cannot move away from what we are, until we thoroughly accept what we are. Then change seems to come about almost unnoticed.”

皮爾斯(Fritz Perls, 1893-1970)人生乖舛與多樣,
“Thus the self is various. It manifests differently in different situation, according to the… environmental stimuli. It is always changing.”


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