Eastern Philosophies and Psychology:towards psychology of self-cultivation東亞哲學與心理學:邁向修養心理學 | 拾書所

Eastern Philosophies and Psychology:towards psychology of self-cultivation東亞哲學與心理學:邁向修養心理學

$ 361 元 原價 380
The most important breakthrough of indigenization movement of psychology in Taiwan is the development of an epistemological strategy for the construction of culture-inclusive theories by multiple philosophical paradigms of Western philosophy of science which may transform the wisdom of cultural heritage in Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism into objective knowledge. The breakthrough has initiated a new field of research for the followers to construct more culture-inclusive theories and to conduct empirical research on the one hand; on the other hand, it may provide objective theoretical ground for practitioners to do psychotherapy and counseling not only in Chinese society, but also to promote the psychology of self-cultivation to the whole world. The book collects 11 articles which had been published in the journal of Frontiers in Psychology for the sake of demonstrating this new orientation of research.

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